Listening 2 : 1st week
Mari belajar bersama-sama :-)
Listening in Professional Context
Topic 1
*Greeting Conversation*
Ngatimah : Good Morning
Sri : Morning. What are you going to do today
Ngatimah : I am taking my family to the amusement park
Sri : Have fun
Ngatimah : Thanks
Sujono : Good afternoon
Legiman : Hi. Good to see you
Sujono : Yeah.. it is good to see you too
Legiman : Excuse me
Sujono : Yes
Legiman : Can you tell me where I can find a flower shop
Sujono : Sure, there is one by the bookstore
Legiman : Thank you
Sujono : Sure, my pleasure
Angel : Good Evening How have you been
Marcella : Fine, thanks and you
Angel : pretty good. How's your husband
Marcella : He is Fine, thanks for asking
Ronaldo : Nice too see you again
Nobita : I know its been a long time
Ronaldo : How is your family
Nobita : Everyone is great
Ronaldo : I am really to hear that
Nobita : We have to get together soon
Ronaldo: sure do!
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
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