Name : Naila Rajiha
NIM : 113 13 043
Vowel and Consonant
Summary of Places of Articulation
- Bilabial (lips)
p b m w e.g pie, buy, mute, wood
- Labiodental (lips and teeth) f
fine v vine
- Dental
(tongue and teeth) θ thin ð then
- Alveolar
(tongue and alveolar ridge) t d s z n l
t tie d die s Sue z
zoo n night l light
- Palato-alveolar (tongue and front part of hard palate)
ʃ shoe
ʒ measure ʧ cheap ʤ
jeep r rack
- Palatal
(tongue and hard palate)
j yes
- Velar
(tongue and velum) k g ŋ curl
girl rang
- Glottal
(glottis) h e.g stop
Summary of Manner of Articulation
- Plosive
/ Stop
It is produced
by some form of ‘stopping’ of the airstream (very briefly) then letting it go
p b t d k g e.g pie bed tiny die curl
- Fricative
As the air
is pushed through, a type of friction is produced and the resulting sounds are
called fricatives.
f v θ ð s
z ʃ ʒ h e.g fish very think they sit zoo shoe measure
- Affricate
(stop + fricative)
When stop consonants make sweet love to fricative consonants,
the bastard offspring is known as an affricate consonant
ʧ ʤ e.g
chair joke
- Nasal
Most sounds
are produced orally, with the velum raised, preventing airflow from entering
the nasal cavity. However, when the velum is lowered and the airstream is
allowed to flow out through the nose to produce [m], [n], and [ŋ], the sounds
are described as nasals.
m n
ŋ e.g man nurse mango
- Approximants
are created when two articulators come close together but not quite close
enough to create air turbulence.
w r j (central) l (lateral) e.g water
root January
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