Materi dari Pare

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Materi dari Kresna Institut Pare
1.POSIBILITY/kemungkinan (+/?)
6 tenses, 4 bentuk :   : S + M + V1
Pr.c/F.c  : S + M + Be + Ving        : S + M + Have + V3
Ps.c        : S + M + Have + Been + Ving
Mungkin: Can, Could, May, Might, should, ought to
Persamaan (maybe, perhaps, probably [adv] possible [adj])
Pasti       : Must, Will
Peramaan (Sure [adj])

Note: Khusus Will = AE: S.f/F.c
Anna look pale, she may be tired.
Maybe,  she is tired
It is possible that she is tired
Where is Andi? May he be sleeping?
Yesterday Pram absent, he must have had coffee.
I’m Sure that he had had coffee

2. IMPOSIBLE/ ketidakmungkinan (-/-?)
6 tenses, 4 bentuk: Spr/S.f: S + M + Not + V1
Pr.c/F.c: S + M + Not + Be + Ving
S. ps     : S + M + Not + Have + V3
Ps. C  : S + M + Not + Have + been + ving
Tidak Mungkin: Cannot, Could not (impossible [adj]) 90%
Mungkin tidak:   May not, might not (maybe…not, perhaps…not, probably…not, possible…not)
Pasti Tidak: Must not (Sure….not…)

Today the weather is sunny, it must not rain
I am sure that it will not rain
Yesterday roma was lost, It might not have trained before
           Perhaps, it didn’t  train before
Because Ayun is a man, he  cannot be pregnant
              Could not
      It is impossible that he I pregnant

3. WISHES/harapan atau doa (+/-)
4 tenses, 1 bentuk       M + S + V1 + ./!
Pr.c/F.c       M + S + Not + V1 + ./!
Semoga : May (selalu di inverse)
Yesterday, Alfa went to Surowono alone. My he be good.
May you have a nice dream!/ have a nice dream.
Risna & Ayyub have just been a couple. May they get married soon.

4. ABILIty / kemampuan (+/-/?/-?)
6 Tensis, 2 bentuk:               S + Can + V1
Pr. C/ F.c
S.s/Ps.c  --- S + Could + V1
Modal : Can --- Pr/f
               Could – Ps                              dapat, bias, mampu
S.E.O.M: Be Able to (kbltlan)
Umi has been living in pare for 2 months, so she can speak English fluently
Last time ayyub was a good and fast runner, he would run 100 meters in 5 second
May we be able to pass the dare tomorrow!

5. NACESSITY/ keharusan (+/-/?/-?)
6 tensis:  S. Pr/S.F    (+) S + Must + V1
2 benuk   Pr.c/F.c     (-) S + Needn’t + V1--- BE
         (-) S + do/does + not + have to + v1 - AE
(?) Must + S + V1
(-?) do/does + s + not + have to + V1? AE
              Nedn’t + S + V1?---  BE
               S.Ps/ Ps.C (+) S + Had + to + V1
       (-) S + Hadn’t + to + V1 ---- B.E
       (-) S + didn’t + have to + V1 --- A.E
       (?) did + s + Have to + V1?
       (-?) Didn’t + S + have to + V1?
Harus: Must
Tidak harus : Deedn’t---- B.E
Do/does/did + not have to ---- AE
SEOM Have to ---- formal
Have got to           Informal Spoken English
Be to

Iis must go home to morrow/now
Sorry, last night I had to go earlier
If I cannot come tomorrow, you dnt have to be angry(a.e)
   you needn’t be angry(b.e)

note: lampau harus mengguakan S.E.O.M

6. PROHIBITION / larangan (-)
4 tenses, 1 bentuk:           S + Mustn’t + V1
Must not/ mustn’t = tidak boleh
Mesti subject you
 Bob  and Marie have just got married, so you must not disturb her anymore/don’t disturb her anymore.

6 tenses, 2 bentuk
“Should and ought to” (+) S + should/ought to + V1
Pr. C/ F.c (-) S + shouldn’t/oughtn’t to + V1
(?) Should + S + V1?
(?) Ought + S + to + V1?
(-?) Shouldn’t + S + V1?
(-?) Oughtn’t + S + to + V1? (+) S + Should/ought to + have + V3
(-) S +  + V3

(?)  + V3

(-?)  + V3
“Had Batter” (+) S + had better + V1
Pr. c/ F.c (-) S + had better  not + V1
(?) Had better + s + V1?
(-?) Had better + S + not + V1?*
Should  --- Formal         1 nasehat tanpa ancaman
Ought to—Informal    
Had Beetter--- Formal --- 1 nasehat disertai ancaman
In the last exam, your grade was bd. You should have studied before the exam.
You had better call him now, or he will go forever
Should I meet her tomorrow?

6 tensis, 2 bentuk.

S. Pr/ S.F S + could + V1 or (s + could) + V1 or etc.
Pr.c/ F.c S + could +  have + V3 or (s + could have) + V3 or etc.

You could ask to your teacher or (you could) study together with me.
Should 1 nasehat tanpa solusi
Ought to
Had better----- 1 nasehat disertai ancman
Could------- 1 nasehat dgn lebih dr 1 solusi

9. EXPECTATION/pengharapan
(tanpa  modal, hanya ada S.E.O.M masuk dismua tenses)
Be suppose to         Di  harapkan
Be to

Makna lain dari be to dan suppose to
Be to/ harus
Be supposed to/ seharusnya

Di harapkan
   Be required to
   Be expect to
   Hope to
   Be destined to
   Be scheduled to
Di harapkan
   Be required to
   Be expect to
  Be believed
   Be scheduled to

Tom hops to become a limber
Dian was destined to meet with Ayyub yesterday
Kita diharapkan datang e pesta itu
We are suppose to come to the party
       Are to

2 tensis, 1 bentuk
Modal   :  Would (bukan kbtlan)        dulu teriasa
S.E.O.M:  Used to (kebetulan) S + Would/Used to + V1
Variasi lain:  Risna usually helped her mother
Risna got used to helping her mother
Risna was accustomed to helping her M.

11. PEREFERENCE/pilihan (+/-/?/-?)
6 tenses, 4 bentuk:
S. pr/s.f:  S + Would rather + V1 then V1
Pr. C/ F.c: S + Would rather + be + Ving than (be) + Ving
S. Ps      : S + Would rather + V3 than (have)  + V3
Ps.c : S + would rather have  + been + Ving than (have been) Ving
Zhi would rather be alonenominal than (be) shopped
Zhi would rather be alone than (be) shopped
Zhi would rather have been alone than (have) shopped
Zhi would rather have been alone than (have been) shopping
 (?) would rather Zhi have eaten then (have) slept yesterday?
Variasi untuk noun
            : S + Likevt + O (N/Ving) better than + O (N/Ving)
              S + prefervt + (N/Ving) to + O (N/Ving)
              S + prefervt + O (N/Ving)  rather than + O (N/Ving)
Toupik would rather apple than orange
Toupik likes apple better than orange
Toupik prefers apple to orange
Toupik prefers apple rather than orange

12. REQUEST/ permintaan (?/-?)
4 tenses 1 bentuk : M + S + V1?
Subject “I, we, they, she, he, it”
May, Might, Could (formal) Bolehkah
Can (informal used if know each other)
“May, might, could, can” I sleep in your home?

Subject “you”
Will, Would, Could (formal) maukah
Can (informal used if know each other)   sudihkah
Would you be my servan?

Variasi menggunakan maukah, keberatankah, sudihkah.
Would you like + to + V1…..? Would you like to come to my party?
Would you mind + Ving……?Would you mind coming to my party?
Would you mind if I + V2…?Would you mind if I came to my party?
Would you mind if I came to your party?

13. PERMISSION/ Perizinan (+/-/?/-?)
6 tenses 2 bentuk S. pr/Sf :      S + may/can +V1
        S. Ps/ Ps. C---- S + might/could + V1
May, can – Pr/F
Might/ Could – Past Boleh
S.E.O.M:  Be allowed to (All tenses)      
Ketika bertensis “past” maka harus menggunakan S.E.O.M
“Might/Could” dalam hal ini hanya untuk Drect-Inderect speech
Was Zhi allowed to visit Gp with her friend last night?

14. SEMI MODAL (+/-/?/-?)

V (ord)
V (modal)
Tidak perlu

Needn’t = tidak harus (necessity)
Dare = Berani

     Noun = kebutuhan (s/o)
     S + V + O
     I know your need/ your need is so mach

--- Verb ordinary= membutuhkan, butuh
       S + Need + O (N, Np, Pron, G, To Inv.)
       Nurul need to meet you/ I need you

     Modal (tidak perlu)
     S + Needn’t + v1 (nurul needn’t meet you)

     Noun = tatangan (s/o)
     S + V + O
    I like your dare/ the dare does dare me

--- Verb ordinary= menantang, berani
       S + dare + O (N, Np, Pron, To Inv.)
       Zhi dares to go to the jungle alone

     Modal (berani)
     S + dare + v1 (Zhi dare come to Kresna alone)
Zhi dare dare Tom, for Tom’s dare does dare her.
12. REQUEST/ permintaan (?/-?)
4 tenses 1 bentuk : M + S + V1?
Subject “I, we, they, she, he, it”
May, Might, Could (formal) Bolehkah
Can (informal used if know each other)
“May, might, could, can” I sleep in your home?

Subject “you”
Will, Would, Could (formal) maukah
Can (informal used if know each other)   sudihkah
Would you be my servan?

Variasi menggunakan maukah, keberatankah, sudihkah.
Would you like + to + V1…..? Would you like to come to my party?
Would you mind + Ving……?Would you mind coming to my party?
Would you mind if I + V2…?Would you mind if I came to my party?
Would you mind if I came to your party?

13. PERMISSION/ Perizinan (+/-/?/-?)
6 tenses 2 bentuk S. pr/Sf :      S + may/can +V1
        S. Ps/ Ps. C---- S + might/could + V1
May, can – Pr/F
Might/ Could – Past Boleh
S.E.O.M:  Be allowed to (All tenses)      
Ketika bertensis “past” maka harus menggunakan S.E.O.M
“Might/Could” dalam hal ini hanya untuk Drect-Inderect speech
Was Zhi allowed to visit Gp with her friend last night?

14. SEMI MODAL (+/-/?/-?)

V (ord)
V (modal)
Tidak perlu

Needn’t = tidak harus (necessity)
Dare = Berani

     Noun = kebutuhan (s/o)
     S + V + O
     I know your need/ your need is so mach

--- Verb ordinary= membutuhkan, butuh
       S + Need + O (N, Np, Pron, G, To Inv.)
       Nurul need to meet you/ I need you

     Modal (tidak perlu)
     S + Needn’t + v1 (nurul needn’t meet you)

     Noun = tatangan (s/o)
     S + V + O
    I like your dare/ the dare does dare me

--- Verb ordinary= menantang, berani
       S + dare + O (N, Np, Pron, To Inv.)
       Zhi dares to go to the jungle alone

     Modal (berani)
     S + dare + v1 (Zhi dare come to Kresna alone)
Zhi dare dare Tom, for Tom’s dare does dare her.



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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