Listening Mr. Galuh

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Listening Assignment
Name : Naila Rajiha 113-13-043
Class : E

Title : Riots Continue in London
 (News, Report)

PART 1. Vocabulary: find the definition by your own language!

sporadic : Terjadi di beberapa tempat yang berbeda tapi tidak
                                                  dimana-mana ( masih se-area )
looters : Para perampok toko-toko dan rumah-rumah ketika terjadi    
pointing to other factors : Menyarankan beberapa alasan lain
to explain away : Memberi alasan singkat untuk suatu hal
to be driven out : Penghentian dan ketidakterimaan
perpetrators : Para pelaku kejahatan
countdown : Perhitungan detik-detik di mulainya kejadian
harmonious : Rukun, damai
promotional videos : Video yang di buat untuk mengiklankan dan memasarkan  
                                                  suatu hal

PART 2. Exercise

What is the news talking about?
According to the news, what can be said about Tottenham?
How many polices arrested on that Sunday evening?
What is the cause of the riots in the part of north London?
When that trouble in the city started?
Who is Kit Malthouse?
Is this statement true: ‘a police was shot dead by a young black man’?
Based on the news, in the promotional videos, what kind of city was London was described?
Answers :
There  has been a second night of rioting in London.
The violence follows the shooting last week of a young black man by police.
Tottenham is one of the poorest areas of London with a history of racial tension where the worst rioting took place on Saturday night.
The total of polices who arrested on that Sunday evening is Three police officers.
The trouble in the part of north London started after a young black man was shot dead by the police.
That trouble in the city started by last week.
Kit Malthouse is London’s Deputy Mayor with responsibility for policing.
No, it is not.
London is the confident and harmonious city.



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